April 9

Posted 04/09/2021

Please click the images below to view documents  in Friday Folders this week. 

Por favor seleccione las imágenes debajo para ver los documentos en las carpetas del viernes esta semana.

Roar Rally : Thursdays ECE-K 10:00am, Friday 1:30-2:00 pm 3rd-6th and Lower El Montessori, and 2:00-2:30pm 1-2nd

Tigres Unidos Link: https://stand-org.zoom.us/j/92100473114?pwd=b0RiVGFNRWdJQU5ubWE3dFlMRkdhdz09 Second Tuesday of every month.

Platica with the Principal Link: https://zoom.us/j/93647094702?pwd=WjZnekFpaStSN1JjV2RYTkJLUWVVUT09 Second Friday of every month